Wooden Cutting Boards Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Blog

How to care of the maintenance and cleaning of wooden cutting boards? In this article, we will try to provide some tips on how to take care of your wooden worktops to prevent them from damage.

Wood is a natural element, thus defined as “Living”, because, not being a chemical material, it is subject to a series of expansions and moisture absorptions, which are significant, in addition to having extremely important properties. Its behaviour is undoubtedly influenced by temperature and humidity depending on where it is placed, for this reason, prolonged exposure to cold and damp air will lead to the formation of cracks and crevices in which bacteria could nest. To avoid this risk, it is necessary to resort to periodic maintenance and cleaning operations.

Daily Maintenance and Cleaning of Wooden Cutting Boards

When we talk about the maintenance of wooden cutting boards, it’s good to highlight how there are daily and other periodic operations ,for example, monthly, necessary to extend “the life” of these tops.

Regarding daily operations, it is good practice that every time the cutting board is used, it should be cleaned and, specifically, scraped with a suitable scraper with an appropriate brush or with a knife blade. After this step, it is possible to wipe with a damp cloth and then cover it with coarse salt overnight to ensure that any excess moisture is absorbed. This process hardens the wood and generates a natural sterilization.

Monthly Maintenance and Cleaning of Wooden Cutting Boards

On a monthly basis, it’s possible to perform certain procedures, such as rotating the cutting board. This will achieve even wear of the surface on both sides, with less need for material correction.

Depending on the use, you can proceed to planning and grinding if they are significantly worn.

To preserve the wooden cutting boards as much as possible, it is good to pay some attention, always starting from the principle that, being a natural material, it can be conditioned by environmental characteristics. To avoid wood deformation, the cutting board should never be washed with water nor stored in damp environments.

Euroceppi: Wooden Cutting Boards and Maintenance

Euroceppi, in addition to producing wooden cutting boards and blocks, also offers a truly efficient maintenance service with onsite planning.

In addition to providing all the directions for proper maintenance of the cutting boards, our team is dedicated to providing direct assistance to our customers to help them keep their tools in optimal conditions.

Want to know more? Contact us!